Start Here - Houseplansdirect

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Welcome to Houseplansdirect, and the start of your self-build journey.

We believe that building your own home should be something anyone can accomplish, and our aim is to de-mystify the process and make it more affordable. The UK was in the midst of a housing crisis when we formed Houseplansdirect in 2008, and guess what? It still is now! We felt that if we could help even a small number of people build their own home, we were doing our bit. 15 years and more than 10,000 downloads later, we remain committed to that aim.

So where should you start?

Well, no matter where you are on your journey, we have resources to help. If you’re not sure where to begin, we have a quick quiz at the bottom of this page which will help you get started. We also have downloadable resources which you may find useful and blog articles which explain some of the quirks of the process, including getting planning permission, building regulations, and the various methods of building you may want to consider

Useful blog articles:

Useful resources:

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Ready to start looking at house designs?:

Not sure where to start? Take our quiz: