Self Build Advice & Guidance - Contact Us - Houseplansdirect

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2 bed bungalow designs

Looking for self build advice or help with planning or building regulations?

Houseplansdirect can give you the assistance you need.

With over forty years’ experience in housebuilding, we are perfectly placed to offer self build advice and guidance on obtaining planning permission and complying with building regulations.

Whether you want to buy one of our designs, create one of your own, or simply need the ear of an experienced, professional designer to help you adapt existing ideas to meet current building regulations, our advice is always free with no-obligation and no hidden agenda. As a completely impartial design firm, we can offer unbiased recommendations with regard to build method, materials and project management.

For a professional, informal discussion about your self build project, call or fill out our contact form below

01432 806409

With over forty years’ experience in housebuilding, we are perfectly placed to offer advice, and guidance on obtaining planning permission and complying with building regulations.

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Have any questions? See below or consult our FAQ.

Why buy our house plans?

We can help to bring your dream home a step closer by providing high quality house designs that have already been approved and built elsewhere in the UK. Designing a home from scratch means investing a lot of time and money – our house plans give you a solid starting point from which you can develop your ideas. Building your own home used to be a complex and expensive process; with our ready made self-build house designs, all of the hard work has already been done, so you can concentrate on enjoying it.

What if I don’t know the first thing about self build?

You don’t need to – all you need is the enthusiasm and drive to make it happen. In addition to our house designs, we offer a multitude of resources to assist you in creating your dream home – from e-Books that guide you through various elements of the project, to specifications and design details that you can mix and match to suit your own needs and tastes. We also offer free, no obligation advice as part of the service. So don’t feel daunted and overawed by the thought of taking the plunge and building the home you’ve always wanted – all the help and guidance you need is just a click or a phone call away. We are also members of NaCSBA, who offer comprehensive, impartial advice to custom and self-builders.

What if I want to make changes?

It’s your dream home, you can change whatever you want! Amending our plans is a straightforward process and can be done either by our designers or someone local to you – if you’d like us to provide a quote, please contact us for more information – prices start from just £50. And don’t forget that the rendered images shown are just a suggestion of how the house could look – any of our designs can be finished in whatever material you prefer, whether it be brick, stone, render or timber! We provide the blueprint, you provide the imagination.

Do you offer printed plans?

We only offer downloadable electronic plans, but should you require hard copies to present to builders, planners or other parties, these plans can easily be taken or emailed to a local printer who will be able to produce plans for you – the plans are specifically set to A3 size for easy printing.